Make your school or early learning centre safe with our range of
Australian recreational life revolves around the outdoors, with sport being an integral part. Increasingly, there is an onus upon sport and education organisations to provide environments that ensure the safety of all that use facilities where the activity takes place. In an era where public liability is such a factor, the importance of ensuring that all exposed posts, poles, light posts and hard vertical obstructions are padded and safe for contact has never been higher.
St Gertrude's Catholic Primary School Fit Out
Take a look at our most recent fit out completed at St. Gertrude's Catholic Primary School in Smithfield, NSW! We used a combination of I-Beam Protection Pads, 180cm Post Padding, and custom made pads to accommodate the large circular structures located on the school grounds.

Finding the right fit out solution for Glenvale School - SSP with varying post sizes was a complex task but with our extensive range of post padding options, we were able to deliver the best safety solution that perfectly suited their needs! We used a combination of Eazy Pads and 180cm Post Padding.
Check out some of the photos from recent work at Holy Primary School in Merewether, NSW. 180cm Post Padding and 200cm Post Padding were used on the school grounds. They also requested green and yellow safety post pads for their main assembly area so we had this custom made. If you're in need of custom colours or sizes, please contact our friendly staff.

St Felix catholic primary school, bankstown NSW
Take a look at some photos from a fit out at St. Felix Catholic Primary School in Bankstown! All poles in the playground and basketball court area were covered with our safety post pads in preparation for the start of Term 2. We used a combination of 180cm Square Rugby Goal Post Padding and 180cm Post Padding for this fit out.
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What our customers say
"I am so happy with our pole protectors, we are a Family Daycare that just got shade sails installed and these are the perfect pole protection addition to ensuring safety for the children."
- Rhonda from Mini Miners Educare
"Thank you very much for supplying us with such a good product... These have worked perfectly for the square poles we have in our outdoor play space. They are incredibly well fitting which results in a very professional overall look. Since we have fitted these covers to our yard space incidents revolving around the wooden / metal poles have significantly decreased, Post Padding Australia is now our first choice in padded pole covers."
- Mark from Kids World Early Learning Centre

"We pulled down the COLA structure in the photos from their old school and brought it across to this temporary (5 years+) site to give them an area out of the weather and somewhere to have assemblies etc. Their temporary school is currently built of demountable buildings & toilet blocks, so these little wins with the padding to these steel posts go a long way to making a difference. They are the simple little wins we are looking for on a daily basis to make the temporary school feel more like a home. This will save a lot of bumps & bruises."
- Grant from Lismore Catholic Schools
"The pads are absolutely perfect! I am really happy with them and appreciate your advice for purchasing the correct size. Thought I'd share a few photos - my principal is also amazed!"
- Mel from St John's Primary School Footscray

"Great prompt and efficient service. Answered my enquiry and dispatched goods the same day for delivery the next day. They look great!"
- Celeste from Building Blocks Occupational Therapy, Speech & Physio
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Beresfield, NSW 2322
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